Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Dangerous Method

My review : A Dangerous Method

“A Dangerous Method” based on the play “The Talking Cure” which in turn is adapted from the book “A Most Dangerous Method: The story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein” by John Kerr deals with episodes that led to the intertwining of the lives of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung & Sabina Speilrein during the days when Psychoanalysis was still in its infancy. Directed by David Cronenberg , the adapted screenplay is by Christopher Hampton.

Movie traces how Jung got into contact with Freud by means his patient Sabina Spielrein who ironically is also the reason for the frictions to develop between them later on. It also shows how Psychoanalysis got into prominence & how the most dreaded consequence of Psychotherapy , Transference and Counter-transference developed between Jung & Sabina , how it affected their professional lives. Finally it also give us glimpses of how Freud & Jung developed professional divergence after initial conformity which affected Freud deeply for he has thought of Jung has his successor in carrying forward his theories of Classical Psychoanalysis & his theories of Sexuality as the basis for all neurosis.

Though the movie is educative , it doesn’t come across with a documentary feel to it. It has all the elements of an engaging emotional drama with some sparkling chemistry between Keira Knightly & Michael Fassbender (Sabina & Jung respectively) and Viggo Mortensen & Michael Fassbender (Freud & Jung). Especially the manner in which the director is able to create the viewer feel the sexual tension that is developing between Sabina & Jung is amazing. Also the palpable friction that develops between Freud & Jung is enacted well.

Part of the appreciation should go to the cast. Michael Fassbender is the star of the movie , not to be overshadowed by Keira , he is able to stand his ground & comes out with flying colours. As the introverted Jung , who tries initially to repress the sexual drive he has towards his patient but finally giving into it and also a devoted disciple of Freud who gets into conflict with himself unable to stand up to him when he starts to have difference of opinion , Michael has excelled in his portrayal.

Keira Knightly is reliable as ever. Initially as a psychotic patient troubled by all those delusions & hallucinations, later as a seductress having developed transference towards her therapist, then turning sinister and cold when she feels cheated by her lover & finally as one of the earliest female Psychoanalyst , Kiera is able to bring about various shades of Sabina in her portrayal with conviction.

The last but not the least Viggo Mortensen as Sigmund Freud is excellent. Vincent Cassel as Otto Gross is also convincing.

Peter Suschitzky’s cinematography & Howard Shore’s background score supports the narration to a great deal.

On the whole , “A Dangerous Method” is an interesting watch not only for those who are into Psychology but also general audience as well. It is fascinating to have a peek at the personal lives of these doyens of Psychiatry, their strengths & vulnerabilities , loyalty & betrayal , devotion & differences .

Bottomline : Informative yet entertaining


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