Monday, October 14, 2013

Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara

My review: Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara

"Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara" (Idhaba) written and  directed by Gokul starring the star of the season Vijay Sethupathi is an average fare. It is a case of combination of inadequate translation of the script on to the screen, lazy direction and poor casting. But it is not all downhill because movie does boasts of things that keep you interested. May be the high standards last few movies of Vijay Sethupathi has set might have played the spoilsport for Idhaba. It is difficult to say whether it is a boon or bane for his movies but it is to Vijay's credit that he has already created a reputation for himself. 

Primary reason why Idhaba is watchable is Vijay Sethupathi. It is a pleasure to see him enact "Sumaar Moonji" Kumaru. Though the characterization and its writing is downright silly and crude, Vijay makes it eminently watchable and enjoyable. His body language, "madras bashai" (Madras dialect of Tamil), attitude and variations in his dialogue delivery, almost everything that is associated with Kumaru is thoroughly enjoyable. His understanding of his character and its shades and variations is improving with every passing movie of his. Only thing is he must be mindful of trying out various genres without getting himself confined to his comfort zone which seems to be comedy.

Earlier I have mentioned that movie looses out in translating things from paper onto the screen. Many scenes are testimony to that fact. Especially the ones involving Ashwin and Swathi as well that involving the accident and the tension that ought to have followed it in the hospital scenes. In neither of these places the writing ensures the correct form of emotions are transformed onto the viewers nor they have any intensity they ought to have created. This may be also due to poor or rather lazy direction. Laziness is more starkly visible because Gokul has tried to dare something different, with glimpses of hyper-link format of narration (though he has not strictly adhered to that format) and dark-comedy in that murder story that gets intertwined into the narrative.
Among actors talent like Pasupathy is grossly underutilized . Here he is restricted to buffoonery. Ashwin is like fish out of water. He tries his level best but sadly that effort shows on screen which distracts the viewers from enjoying his portrayal. Swathi is yet another case of poor casting. Also she looks disinterested in the proceedings. Nandhitha is better, both in her characterization and her own portrayal of Kumudha. Soori makes you laugh with his idiosyncrasies.   

"En veetula" and the prayer song are good to hear enjoyable numbers from Siddarth Vipin. However his background score is noisy. Mahesh Muthusamy's cinematography is adequate for this movie. 

On the whole, Idhaba is watchable primarily for Vijay Sethupathi. 

Bottomline: Sumaar movie.


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