Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Jackson Durai

My review: Jackson Durai

One wonders when would this never ending lineups of horror comedies come to a stop. The guys have overstretched this genre and it has gone beyond it's self life. When there is this fatigue associated with this genre has caught up comes this movie, "Jackson Durai", which again threads the same beaten to bushes path with some seasoning in the form of historical fiction thrown in.  

As you watch the movie can only shrug with disbelief that Dharani Dharan  is the same guy who gave us that wonderfully made taut thriller, "Burma". This time the screenplay is not that taut with the proceedings just moving along sluggishly. Also except the few sequences in the flashback, rest of the movie don't hold your attention that much. The comedies are all redundant and the horror cliches too much contrived to get surprised by it. 

Sibiraj has put in his earnest effort but still something is missing in him to hold a movie by himself. Karunakaran is almost like a second hero in this movie with substantial screen space. He acquaints himself well. Sathyaraj sizzles in the extended cameo. Rajendran, once again doesn't disappoint. But these talented individuals could have been used a bit more better. 

Sidarth Vipin's background score is good while none of the songs evokes any response. Movie is beautifully shot and is high on production values. The CG work is world class. Dharani Dharan has once again proven that he is a very good film maker but falters in his story telling this time.

On the whole, "Jackson Durai" is yet another cliche-ridden average horror comedy.

Bottomline: High on flavour, low in substance 


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