Friday, November 2, 2012


My review: Argo

A movie based on one of the most audacious rescue operations in history is bound to be overtly dramatic and lionizing. But Ben Affleck's "Argo" is not. It tries to be as objective as possible within the constraints of a commercial cinema with a few cinematic liberties which is understandable. It is astonishing to think of that a mission which appears so fancy and ridiculous on paper was actually carried out, that too in 1979-80 and successfully at that.

Movie never tries to take sides and be "patriotic". There itself the writer Chris Terrio and director Ben Affleck stand apart. They have also not tried to make it an adrenaline pumping action adventure. Rather they allow the story to unfold and gradually building up the tension in the viewers which leads on to a happy ending. Though one knows how the story would end, cant't escape the sense of jubilation that come into one's psyche as the movie ends. Sense of respect for the actual people involved gets higher when they show the photographs of them in the end credits.

As said earlier though the movie moves at a very laid back pace, it keeps the viewers engrossed to it throughout. Though the movie is set almost three decades back, it is still relevant considering how US has time and again done similar blunders, screwing many countries all along. And by calling spade a spade, team "Argo" has shown courage and honesty which deserves to be lauded.

Ben Affleck has also done the lead role of Tony Mendes, the hero of this rescue operation. He is uptight throughout the movie, may be the real Tony Mendes might have been that kind of a person. He doesn't show much emotions. It is a very restrained portrayal. Rest of the cast have ably supported Ben to give us one of the most memorable movie of the year.

Technically movie is brilliant, shot in the old 80's style, cinematography sets the mood. Rodrigo Prieto is the cinematographer. Alexandre Desplate's background score complements the story very well.

One the whole, "Argo" is a must watch, one is bound to get goose bumps in the end. Watch out for the Academy awards, except for the acting honours, it might sweep the others.

Bottomline:  An  astonishing "Mission impossible".


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