Sunday, November 25, 2012

Life of Pi

My review: Life of Pi

Based on a novel by Yann Martel of the same name, "Life of Pi" is an abstract piece of work which people with straight rational thinking mind would find it difficult to comprehend or enjoy. For non-believers and scientifically oriented souls this movie would test their patience. It is almost a religious propaganda, at least without  taking the sides of any religion. So the subject matter and the content right away disinterested me and hence I would like to abstain from reporting on it further. The reference of sort of Lord Vishnu helping the marooned Pi in realizing his purpose of life in the form of a carnivorous island is farfetched and a big yawn.

Technically the movie is marvelous. The cinematography (Claudio Miranda), CG and VFX work and the background score (Mychael Danna) are astounding in making it a worthwhile watching experience visually and aurally. The 3D is done without any gimmicks that would hurt the eyes or bring out unnecessary thrills, except for one scene in which the tiger just sprung towards the viewers. The various shades, hues, character of the sea is captured so well that after a point the sea becomes one of the main characters of the movie.

Casting wise the movie boast of a mixture of veterans and novices all of whom have done their parts well. Suraj Sharma is brilliant, comes out as a natural talent. Irrfan Khan is dependable as usual while Tabu though doesn't have much to do looks radiant. The Royal Bengal tiger, Richard Parker, the animated tiger in one of the best VFX work one can get to see.

All said and done, though the movie is compelling visually since it was difficult to have the same amount of involvement cognitively from a non-believer's point of view, movie can't be enjoyed wholesomely by them as the believers would do.

Bottomline: Skewed interpretation of  natural phenomenon in the believers' point of view.


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